1. What is a Censure Motion?
Censure motion is moved against the Council of Ministers, a group of ministers or as individual Minister for the failure to perform duties. Censure motion must be specific and self- explanatory, stating the reasons for its adoption.

2. Distinguish between a starred question and an unstarred one asked in the Parliament.
Starred questions are distinguished by an asterisk. These questions are to be answered orally. Supplementary questions may be asked.
Un-starred questions are answered in writing. Supplementary questions are not allowed.

3. What is contempt of Parliament?
Contempt of Parliament is the crime of obstructing the Parliament in the carrying out of its functions, or of hindering any Member of Parliament in the performance of his or her duties.

4. What is casting vote?
In Lok Sabha or in Legislative Assembly, when on MLA gets votes equally in support on against then the speaker of the House gives his opinion and this is called casting vote.

5. What is the importance of Right to Constitutional Remedies?
By the Right to Constitutional Remedies (Art. 32 & 228) an individual can go to Supreme Court or High Courts for the safeguard of his fundamental rights.

6. What is Habeas Corpus?
Habeas Corpus:
It is a writ, by which the court can cause any person who has been detained/imprisoned to be physically brought before the court. The court then examines the reasons of his detention.

7. What is a privilege motion?
Privilege motion is a motion moved by a member if he feels that a minister has committed a breach of privilege of the house or of any one or more of its members by withholding facts of a case or by giving a distorted version of acts.

8. State the difference between Council of Ministers and the Cabinet.
Council of Ministers include cabinet ministers, ministers of state and deputy minister. The council of ministers is collectively responsible to the lower house of the Parliament. It is the cabinet which makes all the government policies.

9. Under which Article of the constitution can the union government play its role in setting inter-state water dispute?
Art. 262 deals with inter-state dispute. It says - parliament may by law provide for the adjudication of any dispute of complain with respect to the use, distribution or control of the waters of, or in, any inter-state river or river valley.

10. What is Call Attention Motion?
A member may, with prior permission of the speaker, call the attention of a minister to any matter of urgent public importance and the minister may make a brief statement regarding the matter or ask for time to make a statement.

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