Major Harappan Sites and their Excavators

Name of site- 

Year of Excavation-1921 
Excavator -Daya Ram Sahni 
Montgomery district of Punjab (Now in Pakistan) on the left bank of Ravi river 
•City followed grid planning
•Two rows of six granaries
•Dancing Natraja (stone) 
•Only place having evidences of coffin burial. 
•no. of Cemetery H and cemetery R - 37.  

Name of site -Mohenjo-Daro 
Year of Excavation -1922

Excavator -RD Banerjee 

Larkana district in Sindh on the right bank of Indus (Now in Pakistan) 
•City followed grid planning. 
•A large granary, great bath and a collage.
•Human skeletons showing invasion and massacre. 
•Evidence of horse comes iron superficial level. 
•A piece of woven cotton along with spindle whorls and needles. 
•A bearded man in steatite and a bronze dancing girl are found. 
•Town was flooded more than seven times
•A seal representing Mother Goddess with a plant growing from her wombe and a woman to be sacrificed by a man with a knife. 

Name of site -Sutkagendor 

Year of Excavation -1927

Excavator -RL. Stein 
Situated in Baluchistan on Dask river 
•Trade point between Harappa and Babylon, to mature phase. 
•Citadel was fortified, Evidence of horse 

Name of site -Chanhudaro 
Year of Excavation -1931

Excavator -N Gopal Majumdar, Mackey 

Situated in Sindh on the bank of left Indus 
•The city has no citadel.
•Famous for bead makers shop. 
•A small pot, possibly an inkpot. 
•Foot prints of a dog chasing a cat. 
•Evidence of copper or bronze tools of carts with seated drivers. 
•Three different cultural layers-Indus, Jhukar and Jhangar.  

Name of site -Amri 
Year of Excavation -1935
Excavator -NG Majumdar 
Situated in Sindh on the bank of Indus
Evidence of antelope. 

Name of site -Kalibangan 
Year of Excavation -1953
Excavator -A Ghosh 

Situated in Rajasthan on the left bank of Ghaggar 

•Shows both Pre-Harappan and Harappan phase. 
•Evidence of Furrowed land. 
•Evidence of seven fire altars and camel bones. 
•Many houses had their own well.
•Kalibangan stands for black bangles. 
•Evidence of wooden furrow. 
•Evidence of two types of burials (i) Burials in a rectangular grave and (ii) Burials in a circular grave. 

Name of site -Kot Diji 

Year of Excavation -1953

Excavator -Razal Ahmed 
Situated on the left bank of Indus 
•Wheel made painted pottery. 
•Trace of a defensive wall and well aligned streets. 
•Knowledge of metallurgy, artistic toys etc. 
•Five figurines of mother Goddess discovered. 

Name of site -

Year of Excavation -1953
Excavator -MS Vats, BB Lal and SR Rao 
Situated on the left bank of Mahar river (Gujarat) 
•Rice was cultivated 

Name of site -Ropar 
Year of Excavation -1953

Excavator -YD Sharma 

Situated in Punjab on the banks of Sutlej 
•Evidence of burying a dog below the human burial. 
•One example of rectangular mud rick chamber was noticed. 
Fivefold culture–Harappan, PGW, NBP, Kushana-Gupta and Medieval. 


SR Rao
•A tiled floor which bears intersecting design of circles. 
•Remains of rice husk (other than Rangpur). 
•Evidence of horse from a terracotta figurine. 

•A ship designed on a seal. 

•Beads and trade ports. A Terracotta ship. 
•An instrument for measuring angles, pointing to modern days compass. 
•Houses with entrances on the main street a unique feature as the houses of all other Harappan cities had side entries. 
•First man-made port in the world and a dock. 
•Evidence of joint burial. 
•A jar depicting scene from the story ‘cunning fox’ of Panchatantra. 



YD Sharma 
Situated in Meerut on the bank of Hindon River 
•The impression of cloth on a trough is discovered. 
•Usually considered to be Eastern boundary of the Indus culture.   



JP Joshi 
Situated in Kutch (Bhuj) (Gujarat) 
•Bones of horse, bead making shops. 



RS Bisht 
Situated in Hissar (Haryana) 
•A jar depicting scene from the story cunning fox of panchatantra. 
•Show both Pre-Harappan and Harappan phase. 
•Good quantity of barley found here. 


1963 - 76
George F Dales  Situated in the Arabian Sea 
•Remain of Pre-Harappan and Harappan Civilisation. 
•The mounds rise to the height of about 9.7 m and are spread 2.8 sq. hectare of area. Beads manufactures and shale’s industry.


RS Bisht 
Situated in Rann of Kutch (Gujarat) 
•Seven cultural stages. Latest site to be discovered 
•Remains of horse. 
•Largest site. 
•Three parts of city are citadel, middle twon and Lenten town 
•Unique water management.  


Prof Surajbhan 
Drishdavati (Hissar district Haryana) on Ghaggar river  
•Two distinct cultures i.e, early Harappan and mature Harappan. 
•One of the largest Harappan site provincial capital. 

Smart Facts 

Until 1920s. Indian History began with the advent of Aryans, as no information was available to reconstruct the history of India before that.  
The efforts of the Indian Archaeologist of the first half of the 20th Century have pushed back the starting point of the study of Indian History. 
The earliest recorded reference to the civilisaiton is given by Charles Masson, who visited the site Harappa in 1826 and wrote about a running brick castle but its significance was not realized until much later. 
In 1857, the British Authorities used Harappan bricks in the construction of East Indian Railway line connecting Karachi and Lahore. 
. In 1912, Harappan seals with then unknown symbols were discovered by J Fleet which trigged an excavation campaign under Sir John Marshall in (1921-22), resulting in the discovery of a hitherto unknown civilization by Dayaram Sahni. By 1931, much of Mohenjo-Daro was excavated, but minor campaigns continued, such as that led by Mortimer Wheeler in 1950.

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