Planets and their Satellites

Planets and their Satellites

There are total 8 planets in our solar system & all the planets revolve around the sun in the anticlockwise direction i.e. West to East except Venus & Uranus, they both revolve in the clockwise direction i.e. East to West.

Innerplanet or Terrestrial Planets: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars.

Outer planet or Jovian planet : Jupitar, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune.

List of planets according to their Size: Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Earth, Venus, Mars, Mercury.

Dwarf Planets:  Pluto, Ceres, Eris, Makemake, Haumea.

(1) Mercury → It is the smallest planet.
  • Fastest revolution time.
  • It has no satellite and it has no atmosphere. 
  • Extreme weather +400°C & –200°C.
  • Mercury is also known as Roman God of Commerce.
(2) Venus → It is the hottest planet known as Earth’s Twin.
  • The brightest planet is also known as morning & evening star.
  • Venus is also known as Roman Goddess of Beauty.
(3) Earth → It is called Blue Planet (71% - Water)
  • It has One Satellite → Moon

(4) Mars → It is called Red Planet because of high Content of FeO.
  • Nix Olympia is a mountain spotted of Mars & it is 3 times higher than Mountain Everest.
  • It has two Satellites Phobos and Deimos.
  • It is also known as Roman God of war. 
(5) Jupiter → It is the Biggest planet [Fastest rotation]
  • It has 63 Satellite and the biggest one is Ganymede.
  • Callisto is the second-largest moon of Jupiter 
  • It is also known as Roman King of God.
(6) Saturn → 2nd largest planet only planet with Ring (dust particle)
  • It has 62 Satellites and the biggest one is Titan. 
  • It is also known as Roman God of Agriculture.
(7) Uranus →It is called Green Planet because of presence Methane gas.
  • Uranus has five major moons: Miranda, Ariel, Umbriel, Titania, and Oberon.
  • They range in diameter from 472 km for Miranda to 1578 km for Titania.
  • There are 27 known Satellites and the biggest one is Titania.
  • It is also known as Ancient Greek God.

(8) Neptune → It is the Coldest planet.
  • There are 14 Satellite and the biggest one is Triton.
  • It is also called as Roman God of Sea.

Q1.Planets which revolve around the sun in the clockwise direction i.e from East to West:
Ans:Venus & Uranus

Q2.Phobos and Deimos are Satellite of:

Q3.Largest Satellite of Jupitar:

Q4.Largest Satellite of Saturn:

Q5.Which planet is called Green Planet:

Q6.Biggest planet of Neptune:

Q7.Which is also known as Roman Goddess of Beauty:

Q8.Name the Dwarf Planets other than Pluto:
Ans:Pluto, Ceres, Eris, Makemake, Haumea.

Q9.The only natural satellite of the Earth:

Q10.Which is also known as Roman King of God.


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