VICEROY of India

Lord Canning (1858 – 62)
  • Rule of company replaced by rule of crown in 1858.
  • White mutiny by Indian troops in (1859).
  • Indian council act 1861.
  • Queen victoria proclamation was read by Lord canning at Allahabad.
  • IPC – 1860

Lord Elgin – I (1862-63)

  • Death – 1863, Punjab

Sir John Lawrence (1864 – 69)

  • Bhutan war 1865
  • Introduced First marine telegraph service between India & Europe (1865)
  • Constituted a Famine Commission in chairmanship of Campbell.
    Lord Mayo (1869 – 72)
    • Opening of the Rajkot college at Kathiawar & the Mayo College at Ajmer for political training of Indian Princes.
    • Establishment of statistical survey of India.
    • Establishment of department of agriculture & commerce. (1872)
    • Introduced census in India (1872)
    • Kuka movement (1872)
    • He was executed at portblair.
    Lord Northbrook (1872 – 76)
    • Visit of Prince of wales in 1875.
    • Trial of Gayakwar of Baroda (1875)
    • Famine in Bihar 1874
    • Donate 10,000 Rs. to Mohammadan  Anglo-Oriental College Aligarh (1875).
    Lord Litten (1876 – 80)
    • Known as oven Meredith.
    • Famine of 1876-78, affecting Madras, Bombay, Mysore, Hyderabad, parts of central India & Punjab.
    • Appointment of Famine commission under the presidency of Richard strachey (1878).
    • Royal titles Act – 1876 – Queen Victoria assuming the little of ‘Kaiser-i-hind’.
    • The vernacular press act (1878)
    • 2nd Afgan war (1878-80) 
    • 1st Delhi Darbar (1877)
    • Indian Arms Act 1878.
    • Reduce Age of civil services 21 to 19 year.
    Lord Ripon (1880 – 84)
    • Repeal of vernacular press act 1882.
    • The First Factory Act – 1881. To improve Labour conditions.
    • Continuation of financial Decentralization (Ripon resolution)
    • Government Resolution on local self government (RIPON RESOLUTION) – 1882.
    • Appointment of Education commission under chairmanship of William Hunter. 1882 Hunter Commission.
    • Ilbert bill controversy (1883 – 84) 
    • First continuous Census – 1881
    • Rendition of Mysore.
    • saviour of India
    Lord Dufferin (1884 – 88)
    • Passed Bengal tenancy Act 1885 & Punjab tenancy Act 1887.
    • Third Burmese war (1885 – 86)
    • 1885 – Indian National congress established.
    • 1887 – Allahabad university established.
    Lord Lancedown (1888-94)
    • Factory Act – 1891 
    • Catagorized civil services into imperial provincial & council Act 1892.
    • Indian council Act 1892.
    • Setting up of Durand line between India & Afganistan. (Now between Pakistan & Afganistan)
    • Prince of wales came India second time.
    Lord Elgin – II (1894 – 99)
    • Two British officials assassinated by chapekar brothers (1897).
    • Swami vivekanand established math at Vellur & Remkrishna mission.
    Lord Curzon (1899 – 1905)

    • Appointment of police commission (1902) under sir Andrew Frazer to review police Administration.
    • Appointment of universities commission (1902) & passing of Indian universities Act 1904.
    • Establishment of department of commerce & Industries.
    • Calcutta corporation act (1899) 
    • Ancient monuments preservation Act (1904)
    • Partition of Bengal (1905)
    • Curzon kitchner controversy.
    • Young husbands mission to tibbet (1904)
    • Irrigation commission; chairmanship of Mancreef.
    • Established C.I.D in police.
    • Cooperative committee act 1904.
     Lord minto – II (1905 – 10)

    • Founded Muslim league (1906) at Dhaka by Aga Khan.
    • Congress declared his aim – ‘Swaraj’ in Calcutta session 1906.
    • Split  congress in Surat session 1907.
    • S.P. Sinha appointed in executive council of governor general . (1909 act)
    • Madan Lal Dhingra executed colonel viely in London in 1909.
    • Lord minto – Father of separate electorate system.

     Lord Harding – II (1910 – 16)

    • Creation of Bengal Presidency like – Bombay & madras in 1911.
    • Transfer of capital From Calcutta to Delhi in 1911.
    • Establishment of Hindu mahasabha (1915) by madan mohan malviya.
    • Coronation Darbar of king George V held in Delhi – 1911.
    • 1911 – Fifth census held in India.
    • 1913 – Rabindra nath tagore got nobel prize.
    • 1914 – 18 – Ist World War.
    • 1915 – Gandhi ji Arrived India.
    • 1915 – Firojshah Mehta & gopal Krishna gokhle passed away.
    • 1916 – BHU established by madan mohan malviya.

     Lord Chelmsford (1916 – 21)

    • Tilak & Annie besant form home rule league – 1916.
    • Lucknow session of congress 1916.
    • Lucknow pact between congress and  muslim league – 1916.
    • Foundation of Sabarmati Ashram (1916) after gandhiji return, Launch of satyagrah of champaran.
    • Montengue August declaration (1917).
    • Govt. of India Act (1919).
    • Rowlatt act 1919.
    • Jalianwala Bagh massacre 1919.
    • Launch of non-cooperation & Khilafat movement.
    • Foundation of First women university at Poona by D.K. Kerve in 1916.
    • Saddler commission – 1917
    • Death of tilak (August, 1920)
    • Appointment of S.P. Sinha as governor of Bihar (The first Indian to become of governor)

     Lord Reading (1921 – 26)

    • Chauri chora incident (Feb 5, 1922) & the subsequent withdrawal of non co-operation movement.
    • Mopla rebellion in kerla (1921)
    • Repeal of the press act of 1910 & the rowlatt act 1919.
    • Criminal law amendment & Abolition of cotton excise.
    • Kakori train Robbery (1925).
    • Murder of Swami shradhanand (1926)
    • Establishment of Swaraj party by M. L. Nehru & C. R. Das 
    • Decision to held simultaneous examinations for the Ics both in delhi & London, with effect from 1923.
    • Establishment of communist party of India by M. N. Roy at Taskand 

     Lord Irwin (1926 – 31)

    • Constituted Simon commission in 1927 & Simon commission visited India in 1928 & the boycott of commission by the Indians.
    • An all parties conference held at Lucknow (1928) for suggestions for the (future) constitution of India. The report of which was called ‘Nehru report’
    • Murder of saunders, ASP of Lahore; Bomb blast in Assembly hall in delhi (1929) by Bhagat singh & Batukeswar dutt.
    • The Lahore conspiracy case & death of Jatin das after resolution of congress in Lahore session 1929.
    • Appointment of the Harcourt butter Indian states commission (1927).
    • Dandi march (March 12, 1930) by Gandhiji to launch the civil disobedience movement.
    • Deepawali declaration by Lord Erwin (1929)
    • Boycott of the first round table conference (1930), Gandhi – Irwin act (1931), Suspension of civil disobedience movement.
    • Establishment of Indian council of agriculture research – 1929.

     Lord Willingdon (1931 – 36)

    • Second round table conference (Dec 1931) & failure of the conference resumption of civil disobedience movement. 
    • Announcement of communal Award (1932) under which separate communal electorates were set up.
    • Fast unto death by Gandhi is yervada prison, broken after the Poona past (1932).
    • Third Round table conference (1932)
    • Lanch of Individual civil disobedience (1933)
    • The govt. of India act 1935.
    • Establishment of All India kisan sabha (1936) & congress socialist party by Acharya Narendra Dev & Jayprakash Narayan .
    • Burma separated from India 1935.
    • Establishment of IMA. Dehradun – 1932.

     Lord Linlithgow (1936 – 44)

    • First general election (1936 – 37), congress attained absolute majority in 6 province.
    • Resignation of the congress ministers after the outbreak of the second World War (1939).
    • Subhash Chandra bose elected as the president of congress at the fifthy  first session 
    • Resignation of Bose in 1939 & formation of Forward block (1939)
    • Lahore resolution (march 1940) by the Muslim league, demand for separate state for muslims.
    • August offer (1940) by the viceroy; Its criticism by the congress & endorsement by muslim league.
    • Winston Churchill elected prime minister of England (1940)
    • Escape of S. C. Bose from India (1941) & Organization of the Indian National Army.
    • Crips mission (1942). To after dominion status to India & setting up of a constituent Assembly for India.
    • Passing of the quit India Resolution by the Congress (1942).
    • Divide & Quit slogan at the Karachi session (1944) of muslim league.

     Lord Wavell (1944 – 47)

    • C. R. Formula (1944), Failure of Gandhi – Jinnah talk (1944)
    • Shimla conference (1945) failed
    • Proposal of cabinet mission – 1946
    • Election of constituent Assembly, formation of Interim government by the congress (1946)
    • Observation of ‘Direct Action Day’ (Aug 16, 1946) by the Muslim league.
    • 1946 – Navy – revolt in Mumbai.

    Lord Mountbatten (1947 – 48)

    • June third plan Announced. (1947)
    • Introduced Indian independence bill in house of common
    • Appointment of two boundary commission under ‘redcliff’ for the partition of India & Pakistan.
    • Independent ⇒ @Pak-14 Aug.  @India-15 Aug.)

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