
Vitamins, Their Sources and Diseases Caused Due to Their Deficiencies

Name of the vitamin
Main source
Disease caused due to their deficiencies
Vitamin A
Milk, carrot, dark leafy greens, fish, dried apricots, etc.
Night blindness, dryness of skin (Dermatitis)
Vitamin B1(Thiamine)
Cereals, pulses, peas
Vitamin B2(Riboflavin)
Liver, spinach, mushrooms, milk
Cracking of skin , reddish eye
Vitamin B6(Pyridoxine)
Fish, beef liver, vegetables
Anaemia ,dermatitis
Niacin (Nicotinic acid)
Peas, tomato, eggs
Pellagra and glossitis
Folic Acid
Green leafy vegetables, meat, egg, dried beans ,nuts
Megaloblast and in pregnant birth defects
Pentothenic Acid
 meat, yeast , pork ,yogurt ,fish eggs
Premature graying of hair, burning feet syndrome
Vitamin B12(Cyanocobalamin)
Milk, liver, meat ,milk
Pernicious anaemia
Vitamin C (Ascorbic acid)
Lemons, oranges, fresh fruits and vegetables
Scurvy, sore mouth and gums bleeding
Vitamin D (Calciferol)
Dairy products, sun rays, eggs, oily fish, milk
Many diseases of the bones, rickets in children, osteomalacia
Vitamin E (Tocopherol)
Milk , soyabeans, egg yolk , butter
Interferes with reproduction and causes abortion and menstrual irregularities
Vitamin K (phylloquinone)
Fish, peas and green vegetables
Causes the delayed clotting of blood


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