Slave Dynasty

Slave Dynasty

Qutubuddin Aibak (1206-1290)
  • ⇨Qutubuddin Aibak was a slave of Muhammad Ghori, who made him the Governor of his Indian possessions. He was the founder of Slave dynasty (Mamluk dynasty) in India (1206-1210).
  • ⇨He was also known as “Laakh baksh” because he gave liberal donations to muslims. 
  • ⇨He constructed two mosques “Quwat-ul-Islam” in Delhi and Adhai-Din-Ka-Jhopra in Ajmer.
  • ⇨He also started the construction of Qutub Minar in the honour of famous sufi saint “Qutubdin bakhtiyar-kaki”.
  • ⇨Lahore was the capital of Qutub-ud-Din-Aibak.
  • ⇨He Died after falling from a horse while playing Polo(Chaugan) at Lahore in 1210.

Iltutmish (1210-1236)

  • ⇨Aaramshah was the son of Qutub-din-aibak and he was defeated by Illtutmis in 1211.
  • ⇨Iltutmis was the real founder of Delhi Sultanate.
  • ⇨He made Delhi, the capital in place of Lahore.
  • ⇨In order to crush the power of opponent nobles he formed “Turk-e-chihalgani or “chalisaa”.
  • ⇨“Iqta” system was introduced by Illtutmish for well administration.
  • ⇨He issued the silver coins “Taka” and copper coins Jeetal for the first time.

  • ⇨Justice bell - The contribution of Iltutmish in the field of justice was praise worthy. Ibn-i-Battuta writes about it, “Two lions of marble were built in front of the palace of the Sultan and bells were hung in their necks. The oppressed used to ring these bells and justice was done to them after listening to their requests. 
  • ⇨The construction of Qutub Minar was completed during his reign.

  • Razia Sultan(1236 - 1240)
    • ⇨After the death of Iltutmish, Razia became the sultan of Delhi Sultanate. It was the last wish of his father because he found none of his sons were fit for the successor to the throne.
    • ⇨But the chihalgani opposed his last wish and made his son Rukn-ud-din firuz on the throne.But Rukn-ud-din firuz was assassinated within 7 months and was succeeded by Razia in 1236 and ruled till 1240.
    • ⇨She disregarded "Parda system", she began to adorn male dress and used to ride on Elephant's back.But the chihalgani couldn't accept the rule of a woman.They rebelled against Razia when she promoted Jamal-ud-din Yakut, an Abyssinian, as the superintendent of the stables(Diwan-e-Aakhur).

    • ⇨The rebel chiefs were supported by Altunia, the governor of Bhatinda and thus Yakut was killed and Razia was imprisoned.
    • ⇨Later she married Altunia and they jointly tried to take the Sultanate back but both were killed by her brother Bahram Shah with the help of khokhar tribes in the battle of Kaithal.
    • ⇨She was the first and the last Muslim women ruler of medieval India.
    • ⇨Bahram Shah ruled for two years and then Nasir-ud-din, the youngest son of illtutmish ruled till 1266 but was killed by his own father-in-law Balban and he took the throne.
    Ghiyas-ud-din Balban (1266-87)
    • ⇨Balban (1266-87) was the slave of Iltutmish. He broke the power of Turk-e-Chihalgani.
    • ⇨He created a strong centralised army to deal with external disturbance and to check Mangols.
    • ⇨He ordered the separation of Military department from the finance department. “Dewan-e-vizarak” and “Diwan-e-Ariz” (Military).Diwan-e-Ariz was established by him.
    • ⇨The Persian court influenced Balban- conceptions of kinship, he took up the title of zill-e-illahi.
    • ⇨Iranian festival Nauroj was started by him.
    • ⇨He introduced "Sijda" (prostration) and "Paibos" (feet- kissing) as the normal form of Salutation for the king.
    • ⇨Blood and Iron policy were introduced by him for a strong and absolute monarch is expected to follow a strict policy in dealing with his enemies. 
    • ⇨“Kaiku-Bad” was the son of Balban and next Emperor of Delhi Sultanate.
    • ⇨Quemaes was the son of kaiku-Bad (kaimur). He was killed by Zalal-ud-din khilji in 1290. And Zalal-ud-din khilji was the founder of khilji dynasty in India.


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